Monday, October 15, 2007

Can't Push a River

Tamkang University Department of Architecture student working with his CityZen Garden by the Danshui River of Taipei Taiwan.

International Workshop for Tamkang University, Taiwan

200 students and 20 professors designing and building CityZen Gardens by the Danshui River of Taipei commenting on the Taiwanese society. Workshop run by professors Marco Casagrande / C-LAB and Haakon Rasmussen-Wiesener / 3RW.

Zen Garden in an abandoned bathtub. The garden would change with every tide.

Taiwan is in many ways the wealthiest country on the Asia Pacific excluded Japan and is facing now the heritage of the last 50 years of hyper industrialization. The heavy industry is moving away and it is time to clean the island.

"One of these days these streets are goin to get organized." -Taxidriver

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